
Here you will find useful information pertaining to the courses you will be taking, contact information and other useful links which will assist you in being successful. Please click the tab for your particular class above for more detailed information.
My classroom is G307.
I am available to students for help every Access morning.
The best method to contact me is via e-mail.
My phone number is 303-982-5071.
Teacher Name:
Robert Remec
Courses Taught
AP Statistics, I-Stats, Geometry
Best way to reach me:
[email protected]
Online learning platform:
Google Classroom
Where assignments are to be turned in:
At the beginning of the class period on the date they are due in class.
Brief description of how class is run:
When in class, I will be taking attendance in the first 5 minutes of class for that day. You must be in class in your seat when the tardy bell rings to be considered present. Assignments are always on the board located in my class, as well as on my web site, www.RobertRemec.com, find the tab for your class at the top of the home page.
Office hours:
I am available every morning from 8:00-8:30 in my class, G307. To see me after school, please schedule with me in class that day.
Email me questions at all other times, 24/7, and I will answer as soon as possible.
Participate each and every day. Please review the expectation sheet which we discussed in depth on the first day of class and an electronic version is available at the top of each classes web page.
My classroom is G307.
I am available to students for help every Access morning.
The best method to contact me is via e-mail.
My phone number is 303-982-5071.
Teacher Name:
Robert Remec
Courses Taught
AP Statistics, I-Stats, Geometry
Best way to reach me:
[email protected]
Online learning platform:
Google Classroom
Where assignments are to be turned in:
At the beginning of the class period on the date they are due in class.
Brief description of how class is run:
When in class, I will be taking attendance in the first 5 minutes of class for that day. You must be in class in your seat when the tardy bell rings to be considered present. Assignments are always on the board located in my class, as well as on my web site, www.RobertRemec.com, find the tab for your class at the top of the home page.
Office hours:
I am available every morning from 8:00-8:30 in my class, G307. To see me after school, please schedule with me in class that day.
Email me questions at all other times, 24/7, and I will answer as soon as possible.
Participate each and every day. Please review the expectation sheet which we discussed in depth on the first day of class and an electronic version is available at the top of each classes web page.